The body’s natural relaxation response is a powerful antidote to stress. Techniques like deep breathing, visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, and yoga activate relaxation in the body and mind. With regular practice, these techniques reduce stress levels and boost feelings of joy and inner connectedness. They also condition you to stay calm and collected in the face of adversity.

You can’t always avoid stress, but you can counteract its negative effects by using the “relaxation response” – a state of calmness which is the polar opposite of the stress response.

The stress response floods your body with chemicals that prepare you for “fight or flight.” While the stress response is necessary in emergency situations, it wears your mind and body down when constantly activated by daily activities. The relaxation response brings your system back into balance by metabolizing stress hormones in the bloodstream, slowing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure and relaxing the tension in your muscles.

In addition to its calming mental and physical effects, research shows that the relaxation response increases energy and focus, protects against illness, relieves aches and pains, heightens problem-solving abilities, and boosts motivation and productivity. Best of all, it is very easy to learn and everyone can do it.