About Me

Peter Winslow

Life Coach & Counselor
Scottsdale & Metro-Phoenix
Distance coaching via telephone and skype


For the last fifteen years I’ve dedicated my life to mentoring people. For many of them, no matter how much blood, sweat and tears they shed, their highest goals and dreams had always seemed unfulfilled and out of reach.

People come to me for results. My expertise is in quickly removing their obstacles, both real and perceived, then leading them directly to the health wealth and happiness they can enjoy and share with their loved ones.

I use a few simple and some would say, practically effortless techniques to create lasting happiness, right now. It’s an organic and rapid transformation that has changed countless lives, including my own.

Renewed, refreshed and reborn, you find that the success you seek is already a part of you, emerging from within you, insisting you do what it takes to step up and own it. Now, life coaching is the most effective way to succeed.

What is best for you and your wellbeing then shows up. This is the mother of all breakthroughs. Your life purpose is clear, your resources abundant and your true identity is fully supported by a partner who brings out the best in you.


Icombine my practical life experiences with formal schooling and extensive training in conventional western sciences, eastern philosophies, behavior modification, personal training, meditation, mindfulness and other disciplines.

However, I believe that experience is the best teacher, and I learned what I teach by putting it to work in my own life.

For ten years I suffered with depression, addiction and chronic degenerative disease. Bi-polarism, alcohol and substance abuse, behavioral addictions and a form of rheumatoid arthritis of the spine called Ankylosing Spondylitis hammered me for the better part of a decade before I made the decision to change my life, or die trying.

Like many others I became a warrior, ceaselessly summoning the willpower to fight the relentless battles of mental and physical illness.

After many years of trying (and failing) to win, I began to question the use – and sanity – of our never-ending battles. My curiosity eventually produced an astounding revelation: Life often becomes a fight against oneself. It’s a battle of me against my fears, me against my habits, me against my disease, me against my self… and when you wage war against yourself – who wins?

This is an obstacle that confronts nearly everyone at some point in life, and you probably feel it yourself in some way.

There is a solution. We all possess a resource far stronger than the “warrior” mentality. Within us is a power so complete that it doesn’t need to fight, and it can never be defeated. It cannot be bought or sold; we already own it free and clear, and everyone has it. Our job is to use it in a meaningful and practical way.

Through my own personal challenges I have been awed and amazed by the power of inner purpose. By understanding and using this invincible asset I out-maneuvered, outgrew and overturned the challenges I had suffered with for so long. I am completely free of them, and I’ve never looked back.

I then created and developed a system that has helped many hundreds of people from all walks of life gain tremendous rewards and consistent results. I mentor my people to share their talents with the world in useful and gainful ways, and I devote my time, talents, and resources to their success.

I want you to succeed too. I know you can do it, because I know true success is already within you. Like everyone, you just need the proper guidance and support to bring it out. My life purpose is to give you that unique advantage in your quest for the best.


  • Doctorate of Clinical Hypnotherapy (DCH) with distinction in Behavior Modification
  • Certifications in Psychoneuroimmunology, Ortho-Bionomy, Hypnotherapy, Myotherapy, Polarity, and Nutritional Sciences
  • Master’s Equivalent in Holistic Nutrition
  • Lecturer, teacher, award-winning author, retreat facilitator, and public speaker