The Power of “Aha”!
Recently, I was counseling a client who has been diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis. The discussion came to standstill as she experienced a life-altering epiphany, or what some call an “aha!” moment. We were discussing how ridding the body of stress can reduce...

The Healing Within You
Recently I was asked by a reader to discuss the science of healing. It’s a pretty hefty request, so let’s boil it down to basics: The first thing to note is that healing is not a scientific domain. It may surprise you to know that the concept of “healing” is rarely...

Creative Visualization – Fact or Fiction?
It sounds like some magical, mystical practice: Creative visualization. Who really uses this stuff? Well—you do. Creative visualization simply means using your imagination to create with. There is nothing odd or unusual about it; in fact, everyone uses visualization...

The Law of Emergence Part Two
In the last entry we began a discussion on the Law of Emergence. I wrote that: “…Some say that if you haven’t yet gotten what you want in life, you need to learn skills and methods for self-improvement. Not so, according to the Law of Emergence. This law maintains...

Why We Need Purpose – Part 2
Do you have a life purpose? Yes you do. We all do. Wisdom teachers throughout the whole of human history have written that we wouldn’t be here if the fact were otherwise. Then how can we be sure of what our purpose is? Well… Some people know their purpose and never...

Why We Need Purpose – Part 1
They are questions as old as humankind: Who am I, and why am I here? I receive lots of questions like this from people seeking a better life. There is something inside them, something deep and profound that won’t allow them rest or salvation until they discover what...

Goals Setting: See Yourself 5 Years from Now
Where will you be in Five Years? My friend Scott affectionately calls his GPS navigational system "Suzie." It’s a voice-activated gadget which operates kind of like a genie in a bottle. He tells it where he wants to go, and it tells him exactly how to get there. If...

Your Thoughts Determine the Quality of Your Life
All great thinkers know that what you put attention to determines the quality of your life. In fact, our dominant thoughts get planted into our subconscious minds, ultimately becoming the default programming that shapes our expectations and experiences. Fixing your...

Is It True That What I Think Makes Me Who I Am?
Do my thoughts make me who I am? There are people who believe our thoughts originate within us, and that the sum of our thoughts is what makes us who we are. On one level, it makes sense. But if it were really true, we’d be a whole lot of things we are not,...

Within You Without You
“As within, so without” I said. She replied “…So, people are without what’s within them?” Brilliant, astute, and funny were it not so tragically true. I had meant that the world reflects what we focus on, and perception is reality. To that end, purists believe, there...

The Law of Emergence
There’s been a lot of chatter in our community about how to become healthy, attractive and abundant. Some say that if you haven’t yet gotten what you want in life, you need to learn skills and methods for self-improvement. Not so, according to the Law of Emergence....

The Key to Your Dreams
It was a gift I could only imagine; a blessing like no other, promising the be-all and end-all of anything I could ever want and everything I ever hoped for. I remember the first time I heard it. It doesn’t get any better than this, I thought. As I read that book all...

Right On!
Hello – It's the last day of June and we are officially halfway through this calendar year. For those of you who remember, what were your New Year's resolutions? And the real question: Have you accomplished what you set out to? Lots of people go about making...
The Law of Emergence Part Three
For the last while our discussion group has engaged in the Law of Emergence, which comes to us from New Thought leader and Science of Mind practitioner Derek Rydall. In the Law of Emergence, Derek has hit upon a very intuitive philosophy and practice for manifesting...

The Son Also Rises
This Friday, the full moon will rise at eventide. It's the prime harbinger of Easter, known as Eostre for many centuries before Christianity made the scene. Ever has this moon portended a return to splendor and abundance after the long, cold dark of winter. Since...

A Season of Abundance
This month heralds the advent of the vernal equinox and the season of spring. New life arises from winter’s gestation to root, flower and flourish in the coming weeks, among the most enchanting of the year. In mythology, spring represents new relationships....

The Nights Before Christmas
Hello – Out of doors at dusk of late, we witness a thrilling phenomenon: Two evening stars, diametrically opposed in the sky at points east and west, as twilight falls on the eve of winter. You'll remember that evening stars are not stars, but planets looming large in...

Eleventy-One Times Two
Hello again – When seasons change and the sun sets further southward, I naturally think of revolution. Because the Earth rotates on its axis and revolves round the sun, we experience the variety of seasons. Further, observing the natural revolutions of our celestial...

Absolutely Remarkable Mind-Body Scientific Studies!
Each individual has the ability to improve his or her health. One way to do it is by tapping into your own resources. There are many tools to access these inner resources and enhance your life with greater health, happiness and harmony. Periodically, I like to share...

What Would I Do If I Weren’t Afraid?
Living Without Fear It is said that integrity is gauged by what one does when no one is watching. But its not really like no one is watching... your inner self quietly observes what you're doing at every moment. The world of form, realm of duality, is replete with...