The Keys to Healing
You’ve probably heard the expression “Knowledge is power.” It sounds impressive, but the fact is that knowledge without purpose is useless. Making your knowledge work for you is the key. If you want to improve your health and feel better, you’ve got to supplement what...
Carpe Diem: New Thoughts for a New Year
Hello again - I trust your new year is off and running in a positive direction. There's nothing like a new beginning to brace the senses, a fresh start to realign ourselves and redefine our purpose. I have a friend who says that a new calendar year is great symbology,...
The Link Between Emotional and Physical Health
Studies now prove that your emotions are inextricably linked to your physical well-being. Think of how your blood pressure rises significantly when you feel anxious or threatened. High blood pressure has become a major problem for many people, and it's a pretty clear...
Here Comes The Sun: Your Inner Light & Love
“To everything, there is a season.” Hello again – With the onset of winter’s chill, we approach the solstice which heralds the shortest day in the northern hemisphere. The dark of winter advances with dusky gloom, which at times may dampen mood and outlook. Yet...
Spiritual Practice
A spiritual practice, spiritual discipline or spiritual exercise includes any activity that one associates with the cultivation of spirituality. Spiritual practice can refer to the seeking of an ultimate reality or to a transcendent dimension of the self, an inner...
Integrative Medicine is the Wave of the Future
The medical field is rapidly transforming. It's now more accepting of a more integrative approach to healthcare. Foundations, colleges and universities, research institutions, and the federal government are creating initiatives to explore, research and develop a new...
Quantum Physics and Life
For the better part of three centuries, Newtonian principles have dominated the worlds of science and academia. These principles and discoveries led to the discipline we call physics, and since the time of Newton himself, the physical sciences have been regarded as...
Rebuilding Your Body and Brain
Did you know that the body you lived in yesterday is different than the one you’re in today? In a process called cellular mitosis the cells in your body birth new cells repeatedly and die off naturally throughout your lifetime. In fact, in a few years you’ll have a...
The Placebo Effect
Research studies published in medical journals report that there are anti-depressant medications on the market that register no measurable results in clinical trials. The assertion has been made that a “placebo effect” may be responsible for the benefits that the...
What You Think Makes A Difference
Have you heard that the quality of your thought equals the quality of your life? Well then, the time has come to understand exactly what it means for you and your future. If you have a chronic illness, such as Ankylosing Spondylitis (which is what I had for 10 years)...
Inner Intelligence
In his book The Secret of the Ages, Robert Collier asserts that the mind is master and commander of the body because a subconscious “inner intelligence” directs and controls every function in the body. For example, it knows how much sodium and potassium you need to...
Is Your Liver Conscious?
Medical science thinks of the human body as a machine. Anatomists and physiologists have mapped out the structures and functions of nearly all of it; we’ve got a great working knowledge of what everything is and how it should operate. Doctors know that to fix a...
The Magnificence of Modern Science
In my last post, I talked about the philosophy and teachings of the Greek physician Hippocrates, the man considered to be the father of Western healing. Hippocrates advocated nature’s ability to heal illness and restore proper health to an individual. Across the...
Positive Energy
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." - Ben Franklin. In teachings of the masters, we hear a lot about the power of the word. We know that the messages our words transmit are a tremendous creative force that can...
The Power of a Flock
Last week in a discussion group I lead, we discussed an interesting bit of tid regarding the movement of colonies, flocks, herds and schools of animals as a single unit. If you have ever seen a number of fish schooling together, or witnessed a gaggle of geese fly by,...
Hippocrates: “Father” of Western Healing
You’ve probably heard of the Greek physician Hippocrates, the man considered to be the father of Western healing and the first advocate for the rational study of disease. From him we get the “Hippocratic Oath” – a vow taken by all allopathic physicians as a commitment...
Meditate on This
For some, the word meditation conjures up visions of exotic people in flowing robes, eating nuts and berries or chanting strange and eerie tones. In fact, meditation is something you already do on a daily basis. Ever watch television and lose track of the people in...
Tap Into the Universal Creative Mind
If you've practiced observing your thoughts without reacting to them emotionally, you’ve learned to quell the incessantly nattering, chattering voices in your head. By allowing them to come and go without reacting or following them emotionally, they become less and...
How to Control Incessant Thoughts
Want to take control over the incessant plethora of negative thoughts that are constantly flooding your mind and ricocheting off the walls in your noggin? You might think it’s a complicated and exhausting process, but it’s actually very simple. Try this: See your...
Resolute Ideas for a New Year
We're well into the new year, an ideal time to take stock of what moves and motivates us. In the spirit of the season of transition, I thought I'd send this along. THINGS TO CONSIDER IN YOUR NEW YEAR 1. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a...