by Peter Winslow | Eckhart Tolle Class Monthly Newsletter, Life Purpose, Self-Empowerment
Why do some people feel a passion for spiritual growth, while others don’t? Some say for those who have it, the drive to grow is a clear impulse which leads toward human evolution. Neither is right nor wrong, good nor bad. Yet those who say yes to the evolutionary...
by Peter Winslow | Eckhart Tolle Class Monthly Newsletter, Life Purpose, Self-Empowerment
In the last entry we began a discussion on the Law of Emergence. I wrote that: “…Some say that if you haven’t yet gotten what you want in life, you need to learn skills and methods for self-improvement. Not so, according to the Law of Emergence. This law maintains...
by Peter Winslow | Coaching Guidance, Eckhart Tolle Class Monthly Newsletter, Inspirational, Thoughts & Emotions
“As within, so without” I said. She replied “…So, people are without what’s within them?” Brilliant, astute, and funny were it not so tragically true. I had meant that the world reflects what we focus on, and perception is reality. To that end, purists believe, there...
by Peter Winslow | Eckhart Tolle Class Monthly Newsletter, Self-Empowerment, Wisdom
There’s been a lot of chatter in our community about how to become healthy, attractive and abundant. Some say that if you haven’t yet gotten what you want in life, you need to learn skills and methods for self-improvement. Not so, according to the Law of Emergence....
by Peter Winslow | Eckhart Tolle Class Monthly Newsletter, Reflection, Self-Empowerment
It was a gift I could only imagine; a blessing like no other, promising the be-all and end-all of anything I could ever want and everything I ever hoped for. I remember the first time I heard it. It doesn’t get any better than this, I thought. As I read that book all...
by Peter Winslow | Eckhart Tolle Class Monthly Newsletter
This Friday, the full moon will rise at eventide. It’s the prime harbinger of Easter, known as Eostre for many centuries before Christianity made the scene. Ever has this moon portended a return to splendor and abundance after the long, cold dark of winter....