by Peter Winslow | Coaching Guidance, Wisdom
We’ve all heard the old saw: Actions speak louder than words. So why is it that positive action is something so many people have trouble taking? As I go about my purpose educating, training and leading my tribe, I find the actions some of them would benefit from have...
by Peter Winslow | Eckhart Tolle Class Monthly Newsletter, Self-Empowerment, Wisdom
Let’s stride back to the future to review some timeless wisdom for an ageless audience. I am honored to re-mind you of a few rules for cultivating your life of meaning. Be sure to make good use of them: Remain in touch with who you are. Contemplation, meditation, and...
by Peter Winslow | Eckhart Tolle Class Monthly Newsletter, Self-Empowerment, Wisdom
There’s been a lot of chatter in our community about how to become healthy, attractive and abundant. Some say that if you haven’t yet gotten what you want in life, you need to learn skills and methods for self-improvement. Not so, according to the Law of Emergence....
by Peter Winslow | Eckhart Tolle Class Monthly Newsletter, Wisdom
Hello again – I trust your new year is off and running in a positive direction. There’s nothing like a new beginning to brace the senses, a fresh start to realign ourselves and redefine our purpose. I have a friend who says that a new calendar year is...
by Peter Winslow | Eckhart Tolle Class Monthly Newsletter, Reflection, Wisdom
“To everything, there is a season.” Hello again – With the onset of winter’s chill, we approach the solstice which heralds the shortest day in the northern hemisphere. The dark of winter advances with dusky gloom, which at times may dampen mood and outlook. Yet...
by Peter Winslow | Power, Presence & Passion, Wisdom
A spiritual practice, spiritual discipline or spiritual exercise includes any activity that one associates with the cultivation of spirituality. Spiritual practice can refer to the seeking of an ultimate reality or to a transcendent dimension of the self, an inner...