by Peter Winslow | Eckhart Tolle Class Monthly Newsletter, Reflection, Self-Empowerment
It was a gift I could only imagine; a blessing like no other, promising the be-all and end-all of anything I could ever want and everything I ever hoped for. I remember the first time I heard it. It doesn’t get any better than this, I thought. As I read that book all...
by Peter Winslow | Coaching Guidance, Power, Presence & Passion, Reflection
Living Without Fear It is said that integrity is gauged by what one does when no one is watching. But its not really like no one is watching… your inner self quietly observes what you’re doing at every moment. The world of form, realm of duality, is...
by Peter Winslow | Eckhart Tolle Class Monthly Newsletter, Reflection, Wisdom
“To everything, there is a season.” Hello again – With the onset of winter’s chill, we approach the solstice which heralds the shortest day in the northern hemisphere. The dark of winter advances with dusky gloom, which at times may dampen mood and outlook. Yet...
by Peter Winslow | Inspirational, Reflection
I have a question for you and I ask that you consider it closely. Are you a person of substance and fortitude? Think about this for a moment, and momentarily set aside the trappings of ego that endeavor to exert control through the use of words like...