by Peter Winslow | Coaching Guidance, Mind-Body Techniques, Self-Healing
It sounds like some magical, mystical practice: Creative visualization. Who really uses this stuff? Well—you do. Creative visualization simply means using your imagination to create with. There is nothing odd or unusual about it; in fact, everyone uses visualization...
by Peter Winslow | Coaching Guidance, Mind-Body Techniques, Self-Healing, Thoughts & Emotions
Do my thoughts make me who I am? There are people who believe our thoughts originate within us, and that the sum of our thoughts is what makes us who we are. On one level, it makes sense. But if it were really true, we’d be a whole lot of things we are not,...
by Peter Winslow | Coaching Guidance, Self-Healing
Hello – It’s the last day of June and we are officially halfway through this calendar year. For those of you who remember, what were your New Year’s resolutions? And the real question: Have you accomplished what you set out to? Lots of people go about...
by Peter Winslow | Self-Healing
You’ve probably heard the expression “Knowledge is power.” It sounds impressive, but the fact is that knowledge without purpose is useless. Making your knowledge work for you is the key. If you want to improve your health and feel better, you’ve got to supplement what...
by Peter Winslow | Self-Empowerment, Self-Healing
Have you heard that the quality of your thought equals the quality of your life? Well then, the time has come to understand exactly what it means for you and your future. If you have a chronic illness, such as Ankylosing Spondylitis (which is what I had for 10 years)...
by Peter Winslow | Healing & Science, Self-Healing
In his book The Secret of the Ages, Robert Collier asserts that the mind is master and commander of the body because a subconscious “inner intelligence” directs and controls every function in the body. For example, it knows how much sodium and potassium you need to...