by Peter Winslow | Coaching Guidance, Mind-Body Techniques, Power, Presence & Passion, Reflection, Self-Empowerment, Thoughts & Emotions
All great thinkers know that what you put attention to determines the quality of your life. In fact, our dominant thoughts get planted into our subconscious minds, ultimately becoming the default programming that shapes our expectations and experiences. Fixing your...
by Peter Winslow | Coaching Guidance, Mind-Body Techniques, Self-Healing, Thoughts & Emotions
Do my thoughts make me who I am? There are people who believe our thoughts originate within us, and that the sum of our thoughts is what makes us who we are. On one level, it makes sense. But if it were really true, we’d be a whole lot of things we are not,...
by Peter Winslow | Coaching Guidance, Eckhart Tolle Class Monthly Newsletter, Inspirational, Thoughts & Emotions
“As within, so without” I said. She replied “…So, people are without what’s within them?” Brilliant, astute, and funny were it not so tragically true. I had meant that the world reflects what we focus on, and perception is reality. To that end, purists believe, there...
by Peter Winslow | Power, Presence & Passion, Thoughts & Emotions
If you’ve practiced observing your thoughts without reacting to them emotionally, you’ve learned to quell the incessantly nattering, chattering voices in your head. By allowing them to come and go without reacting or following them emotionally, they become less...
by Peter Winslow | Coaching Guidance, Power, Presence & Passion, Thoughts & Emotions
Want to take control over the incessant plethora of negative thoughts that are constantly flooding your mind and ricocheting off the walls in your noggin? You might think it’s a complicated and exhausting process, but it’s actually very simple. Try this: See your...
by Peter Winslow | Coaching Guidance, Power, Presence & Passion, Thoughts & Emotions
Last week I wrote that in the coming weeks I’d provide you with information and practices that will make a huge difference in your life. You ready? First thing to know is this – no matter who you are, where you’ve been, or what your story is, what you think...