For the last while our discussion group has engaged in the Law of Emergence, which comes to us from New Thought leader and Science of Mind practitioner Derek Rydall.

In the Law of Emergence, Derek has hit upon a very intuitive philosophy and practice for manifesting the fullest experience of life and living.

Rather than wend your way toward becoming worthy, the Law of Emergence maintains that you already are everything you need to be, to claim everything you could ever wish to experience.

Those familiar with the teachings of Eckhart Tolle recognize this message as aligning perfectly and precisely with what we already know and perceive.

Both teachers maintain that we already are the thing we seek; we already have it all. In fact, it’s the notion of separation alone which separates us from what we want.

We need simply get out of our own way by dropping the limiting beliefs, fears and fallacies about who we are that waylay or subvert us.

This teaching belies any dogma that insists we must work to improve ourselves. Even those perched at the pinnacle of clerical modalities fall short of their own teachings, and it would seem no one is “perfect enough.”

By contrast, the Law of Emergence reveals that we are perfect as we are, and as we are becoming. Realization requires activation, through focused attention on a self-image that supersedes any finite concept of “self.”

Cultivate the consciousness of a universe moving in you, as you and through you, freed from the constraints of seventeenth-century science which postulates matter and energy as two separate entities.

Make this breathtaking breakthrough, and you simply cannot “put the toothpaste back in the tube” by returning to an outdated and arcane old-thought mantra like “I’m not enough.”

Realization that you are more than just a person in the physical sense (you are a matrix of energy and information in a quantum field) creates a deeper sense of inner harmony with outer order, and activates the Law of Emergence in powerful ways.

Rydall writes that “…As we tap into our larger Self, it manifests as opportunity, relationships, and abundance ‘out there’ — but what is really appearing is a greater manifestation of our Self.”

Eckhart expresses as much when he writes that “…The source of abundance is not outside you. It is a part of who you are.” These teachings are indeed one, and the same.

When you get it —truly understand and live it— then nothing stands between you and whatever you would be, and have. Invincibility beyond ego, in need of no more than the awareness of what you truly are.

To that end, the Eckhart Tolle Discussion Group will cover how you can ignite these towering teachings in your own life, when we meet this Sunday September 9th at 2 pm.

Join us at the New Vision Center in Phoenix for what is proving to be a life-altering meet-up experience.

In harmony with your emergence,
