Want to take control over the incessant plethora of negative thoughts that are constantly flooding your mind and ricocheting off the walls in your noggin?

You might think it’s a complicated and exhausting process, but it’s actually very simple.

Try this: See your thoughts as rays of energy, instead of transmitters of information.

When you identify with your thoughts as a source of information, you give them a tremendous amount of power. Thoughts feed on attention; they require your attention to survive.

If you resist, refute or reject a thought because you don’t like the information it presents, you’re empowering it with your attention.

Even worse – when you try to repress a particular thought or emotion, it will control you – and you’ll see the evidence of what you’re resisting everywhere you turn, whether it’s there or not.

Most people cannot control their thoughts and emotions because they don’t understand their own nature and purpose. The fact is that most people are led around by their thoughts kind of like fearful sheep following a shepherd.

Use this technique: Cease categorizing your thoughts as good or bad, empowering or demeaning, fun or stressful, etc. for twenty minutes a day and watch them quietly. They’ll eventually go away or find a different game to play.

As you practice the skill of not evaluating your thoughts, you’ll notice that what seemed to be inner conflict takes on a transparent essence rather than a solidified one. You’re seeing through the information that once could confine, kowtow or control you.

When you can observe your thoughts and recognize them as ephemeral and transparent energy rather than solid and binding facts, you’ll be able to transcend what no longer serves you. You’ll recognize what has troubled you for what it really is – transient and fleeting energy. You’ll recapture a tremendous amount of that energy and you can direct it to create more powerful outcomes in your life.