I have a question for you and I ask that you consider it closely. Are you a person of substance and fortitude?

Think about this for a moment, and momentarily set aside the trappings of ego that endeavor to exert control through the use of words like “strength” or “personal power”. I mean really consider what I’m asking you here.

How much virtue have you, as measured by your ability to live a life of meaning and overcome that which no longer serves you?

Next question: How can one really determine a coherent answer to an egoic poser like this? Well…

If you could find a way to approach every obstacle and challenge in your life, one that would garner you complete peace and acceptance through any and every ordeal, and well beyond the fruitfulness of it’s resolution – would you use it?

What if every single challenging situation you face – be it financial, health related, relationship, personal – could be resolved with a single tool?

Such a tool exists, and you already own it free and clear.

When the key is understood and used effectively, our “problems” transform into avenues of personal growth. The challenges great and small that had seemed so daunting are recognized as teachers of enlightenment, allies that exist to strengthen and support us.

Where can we find this “key”?

It’s right there with you now, underneath the nattering, chattering voices in your head.

Next time, we’ll discuss exactly how to find it.